I've just posted a working writings and selected writings about Bergson in French and English, which was compiled by Kathleen Hulley. This research projected ended up generating an incredible resource of over 200 pages of entries and I hope that you find it useful!
This working bibliography, compiled by Kathleen Hulley, aims to document Bergson’s works and writings about Bergson in English and in French.
In the first section, Bergson’s writings appear in chronological order of when they were first published. As such, the publication date may differ from the date a conference paper or public lecture was initially presented. When a presentation was only published later in a collected volume rather than as a separate publication, however, the conference date has been used. The re-publication of articles in subsequent collections has been indicated at the end of the original entry. New French critical editions as well as English and/or French translations are indicated as indented sub-entries.
Bergson’s writings are followed by a list of his published courses, a large list of selected writings about Bergson (primarily in French and English), a list of bibliographies on Bergson, a list of journals or series dedicated to Bergson, and a list of special journal issues. This bibliography does not include masters’ theses or doctoral dissertations.
Every effort has been made to be accurate and complete, but at times the publication information or details of certain entries have been unavailable or difficult to verify. If readers come across errors or omissions, they are asked to contact Donald Landes (donald.landes AT fp.ulaval.ca)